ABC Energy Savings

108 Snow Pond Rd, Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-344-4540

As a qualified Contractor for the NH Home Performance with Energy Star (HPwES) program, NH home owners can get 50% (up to $4,000) of insulation and related energy improvements paid for by a NH program. Qualification is based on annual quantity of fuel used for heating and living square footage of single residential home, and projects must pass a benefit cost analysis in order to ensure cost effectiveness. In addition, ABC Energy Savings is qualified contractor (2018 & 2019) for both the Weatherize Kearsarge and Upper Valley campaigns. Bob Eldredge is also a qualified presenters for the Button Up VT in NH home energy savings workshop - ask your local energy committee if they'd like one scheduled for your town. KACC Member Discount: 50% off HPwES Home Energy Audit fee.
Copyright Kearsarge Area Chamber of Commerce | P.O. Box 301 | Warner, NH 03278
Visitor Center: 896 Main St, Contoocook, NH 03229